Don't Be Ridiculous: A Perfect Strangers Podcast

"Baby, You Can Drive My Car" (Season 1, Episode 4)

Episode Summary

In this episode, Fabian and Aaron are joined by Leanor Ortega Till of the one and only Five Iron Frenzy. Naturally the discussion “steers” towards our unique experiences learning to drive (like say in a cemetery), taking (and maybe failing) our driver’s exam, and what we all thought was going to happen to that grapefruit. And then there’s a little ska talk, but not that much.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Fabian and Aaron are joined by Leanor Ortega Till of the one and only Five Iron Frenzy. Naturally the discussion “steers” towards our unique experiences learning to drive (like say in a cemetery), taking (and maybe failing) our driver’s exam, and what we all thought was going to happen to that grapefruit. And then there’s a little ska talk, but not that much.

 Leanor's Band -

Leanor's other band, Fast Feeling

Leanor's Ska Doc, "Pick It Up: Ska In The 90s" 

The Floydada Cemetery were Fabian learned to drive

Pictures of Aaron's permit and the day he met Leanor